Our History

Who we are:

History of the Alalay Foundation

The Alalay Home for Children was founded in 1990 through the initiative of Claudia Gonzáles, the current Director of the institution. It was conceived with the mission to recover boys, girls and teenagers who have taken to the streets as their home, constructing opportunities, encouraging restitution, and exercising and promoting their fundamental rights.


On the 23rd of July 1993, the first home was inaugurated at 648 Pisagua Street, on the Montes corner of the city of La Paz. It consisted of a small property with space for 30 children. The house was simply organised, with two educators and a few volunteers working under the management of Claudia González.


Over time, more homes have been constructed thanks to the dedication and commitment of the many people who have been involved with the project throughout its 22 years of existence. In this time our protagonists, the boys and the girls, have built a family where they can grow, educate themselves and prepare themselves for adult life.


In this way, a community has been created where boys, girls, and teenagers are both the protagonists and the agents of their own development. The sense of belonging which so strengthens and fortifies the children is arduously strived towards, in order that the children take charge of their home and of their lives and as a result, begin to care for themselves.  


Donations and Support

How you can help us?:

Be part of the mission of reverting poverty conditions

You can help Alalay through: online chash donations, in kind donations or sponsoring a child through a monthly bank tnansfer helping specifically a child in his or her nutrition,

school materials or clothing.

Donate directly through a Bank account transfer or deposit to:

Cuenta Corriente No. 4010521029