Protection phase

Protection Program - General Description.

The protection program takes 4 development phases


1. “Street work” in areas where children are at high risk in La Paz, El Alto and Santa Cruz cities. 

In average yearly, 300 children receive health and education support, besides recreational activities like municipal museum and park tours.

 Some children and adolescents willing to leave behing the streets are taken-to ALALAY´s HOMES. This work is accomplished  through “streets work” and strategic alliances with Local Government Organizations.


2. Second phase: Therapeutic.

 Homeless Children sleeping in the cementery

This phase aims at changing streets behaviour through a gradual process called ”stairs growth”. This model has specific development goals. Children detach themselves from high risk variables and habits caused by having lived with no more home than the streets.


Children of this phase are comprised between 7 and 13 years old.


Some of the main situations derived from the streets environment are: drugs consumption, breathing acute illnesses, malnutrition or others.



3. Phase. Skills for life.

The program is aimed at developing diferent skills in all participant children.

Main activities are:

Children and adolescents Schooling.

Schooling includes, school registration for children in school age in community schools.

Children and adolescents are registered in Public Community Schools, 85% of them approved the grade. 

School uniforms and materials endowment.

 Through this activity, children in ALALAY are benefited with school uniforms and supplies. 

School back up and level tutoring.

 Back up and level tutoring classes include homework help, strengthening Math and Language, based on the school and grade academic program, this activity is programmed daily during school term.  

Individual and social skills workshops.

 Main developed skills are: Self esteem, Communication, Positive attitude, Problem and conflict dealing, Human values, Rights and obligations, also transversally self protection against child abuse.

 High risk childhood issues campaigns.

 Yearly social campaigns are implemented. The first one was about Good relationships and treatment. The second related with Children’s rights defense.  

 Integral evaluation plans.

Children and adolescents are evaluated integrally, the evaluation showed an advance of 80% in the intervention plans during the year in areas such as Pedagogic, Social, Psychological, and familiar.

 Health care assistance.

 Children and adolescents are yearly supported in preventive health care and recovery. The most frequent illnesses usually are: Respiratory problems, Tuberculosis, Neurologic problems, Stomach and digestive problems, Skin problems and Dental problems. They were provided medicine and a proper follow up.

 Children and adolescents social and legal status.

 In average each year about 70 birth certificates are legally processed. The process to obtain the birth certificate is fundamental because many children coming to ALALAY don’t know their real names or their birth dates. This document is important for school registration.

 It is important to point out that children and adolescents are given clothing and personal hygiene items. ALALAY likes to understand how important is to provide protection and change of life style for our children.

 Balanced Diet.

 Children and adolescents are provided of a balanced diet and the children’s malnutrition rates are diminished.

 A balanced diet implies three meals a day per child. A professional nutritionist controls menus and production; menus are changed weekly and delivered home, so children may obtain all the necessary supplements for an adequate diet.

 Extracurricular Activities.

 During last year extracurricular activities were held, consequently usually 80% of the children stayed permanently in our Homes. The activities included trekking, sport activities, championships, video-debates, excursions, special birthday celebrations and holydays.

 Therapeutic Care.

 The great success of the program is that 80% of the children stay at our Homes, promoting attitude changes, emotional stability, and street behavior diminished.

 Group sessions were held, these therapy groups are known as: “Grupo buen dia”( Good day group) motivates positive attitudes and daily goals for children; Evaluation group, allows the child to make self evaluation in the process of individual change; Self assuring group, in which children repeatedly receive positive and reinforcing messages, that allow them to strengthen their self esteem and security; Talk-about emotions group,   permits children to regulate and express their emotions.

Therapy groups worked in an assembly that seeks children’s active participation in the taking of decisions and Home responsibilities.


Family intervention.

 Alalay seeks families restoration and reunion when that is possible and best for child's development. This process focus on households visits which allow us to get better understanding living conditions, to evaluate ways for family reunions, to get legal documentation and to start a link with ALALAY's project.

 We undertake family orientation sessions. These sessions usually exceed the goals expectations due to families demand. The most frequent issues in these sessions are: alcohol consumption, lack of organization in family settings, raising facts.

Family therapy.

 Children are reinserted into their families, working on their family ties, communication and family problems solving.

 Art and creativity workshops.

 It has been achieved an increase in children’s social and individual skills, through artistic activities that support their social development.

 700 art and creativity sessions are yearly held, these workshops are carried out in order to support curricular contents in photography, plastic arts, music and acting. These activities had participation of children.

   Institutional personnel training.

 Staff participate in personnel training, volunteers and employees; they were provided with teaching and learning techniques. These training sessions are held five times a year, and were focused on abilities for life, working environment, and administrative procedures.   



Donations and Support

How you can help us?:

Be part of the mission of reverting poverty conditions

You can help Alalay through: online chash donations, in kind donations or sponsoring a child through a monthly bank tnansfer helping specifically a child in his or her nutrition,

school materials or clothing.

Donate directly through a Bank account transfer or deposit to:

Cuenta Corriente No. 4010521029